Wen Jing Wan 溫經丸

Wen Jing Wan 溫經丸

0.16g x 200 pills/ tablets per bottle
Suggested Usage:
Take 5 to 8 pills with warm water, 2 to 3 times daily, or consult your health care practitioner.
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Wu Zhu Yu (Evodia Fruit), Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica Root), Chuan Xiong (Sichuan Lovage), Bai Shao (Peony), E Jiao (Dnkey-Hide Gelatin), Rou Gui (Cassia), Mu Dan Pi (Tree Peony Root Bark), Gan Jiang (Ginger), Dang Shen (Chinese Salvia Root), Zhi Ban Xia (Pinellia), Mai Dong (Ophiopogon Root), Gan Cao (Licorice), Huang Qi (Astragalus), Bai Zhu (White Atractylodes Root), Yu Jin (Radix Curcumae), Hou Po (Magnolia), Xiang Fu (Cyperus), Zhi Fu Zi (Sichuan Aconite).

Uses For:

Clinical Applications: Irregular menstruation due to the deficiency-cold in the Chong and Ren channels; accumulation of stagnant blood marked by preceded or delayed menstrual cycle, or overdue, persistent menstrual duration, or excess menstruation in a month; nightfall fever, feverish sensation in the palms,

parched lips and dry mouth, pain and cold in the lower abdomen, difficulty in conceiving. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, chronic pelvic inflammation, menstrual cramps, and hysteromyoma marked by the above-mentioned symptoms, cystitis, menopausal symptoms.

Therapeutic Actions: Warms the channels, especially the Liver and the Kidney; expels cold; nourishes the blood; expels Blood stagnation; strengthens Kidney function.

成分 : 吴茱萸,当归,川芎,白芍,肉桂,牡丹皮,干姜,党参,半夏,麦冬,甘草,黄芪,白术,郁金,厚朴,香附,制附子。
適用於 : 理血剂,具有温经散寒,养血祛瘀之功效。主治冲任虚寒、瘀血阻滞证。漏下不止,血色暗而有块,淋漓不畅,或月经超前或延后,或逾期不止,或一月再行,或经停不至,而见少腹里急,腹满,傍晚发热,手心烦热,唇口干燥,舌质暗红,脉细而涩。亦治妇人宫冷,久不受孕。

Additional information


1 Bottle, 1 Dozen (12 Bottles)


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