Qing Dai Pian (Fu Fang); Blood Heat Detox 青黛片

Qing Dai Pian (Fu Fang); Blood Heat Detox 青黛片

0.2g x 200 tablets per bottle ( tablets only)
Suggested Usage:
Take 6 pills/  tablets with warm water, 2 to 3 times daily, or consult your health care practitioner.
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Qing Dai (Indigo Naturalis), Tu Fu Ling (Smilax), Dan Shen (Chinese Salvia Root), Bai Zhi (White Atractylodes Root), Ku Shen (Sophora Root), Chi Shao (Peony), Lian Qiao (Forsythia Seed), Jin Yin Hua (Honeysuckle), Ling Xiao Hua (Campsis Flower), Ban Lan Gen (Isatis Root).

Uses For:

Clinical Applications: Itching, rashes, general skin irritation especially of the type that moves around or is intermittent. Insect bites, allergic contact dermatitis, poison ivy/oak/sumac, sun burn.

Therapeutic Actions: Nourishing Yin and Clears away heat and toxic material, removes ecchymosis and bloodstasis, dispels wind and arrests itching, eliminates pathogenic heat from the blood and arrests convulsion. It isused for progressive psoriasis, pityriasis rosea, drug rash, chest pain and hemoptysis,

aphthae, mumps, inflammation of the throat, infantile convulsion.

成分 : 大黄,金钱草,柴胡,黄芩,白芍,郁金,茵陈,木香。
適用於 : 清热利湿,利胆排石。用于湿热蕴毒、腑气不通所致的胁痛、胆胀,症见胁肋胀痛、发热、尿黄、大便不通;胆囊炎、胆石症见上述证候者。


Additional information


1 Bottle, 1 Dozen (12 Bottles)


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