Tong Bian Wan/Pian; Intestinal Support 通便片

Tong Bian Wan/Pian; Intestinal Support 通便片

0.2g x 100 tablets per bottle ( tablets only)
Suggested Usage:
Take 6 pills/  tablets with warm water, 2 to 3 times daily, or consult your health care practitioner.
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Tao Ren (Peach Seed), Huo Ma Ren (Hemp Seed), Da Huang (Rhubarb), He Shou Wu (Polygonum), Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica Root), Qiang Huo (Notopterygium Root).
Uses For:

Clinical Applications: Help moisten the intestine to promote bowel movements and used for infrequent bowel movements caused by excessive heat in the intestines. Constipation from heat or fire that has damaged the yin fluids – dry hard pellet like stools, dark urine from

dryness, feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, flatulence (generally with a foul smell).

Therapeutic Actions: Enrich the Yin, gently disperse and Moisten Dryness.


適用於 : 健脾益肾,润肠通便。用于脾肾不足,肠腑气滞所致的便秘。症见:大便秘结或排便乏力,神疲气短,头晕目眩,腰膝酸软;习惯性便秘,肛周疾病见上述证候者。

Additional information


1 Bottle, 1 Dozen (12 Bottles)


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