Wu Ling San Pian/Wu Ling San Pian Dampness Clear 五苓散片

Wu Ling San Pian/Wu Ling San Pian Dampness Clear 五苓散片

0.2g x 200 tablets per bottle ( tablets only)
Suggested Usage:
Take 6 pills/  tablets with warm water, 2 to 3 times daily, or consult your health care practitioner.
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Poria (fu ling), Polyporus (zhu ling), Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (bai zhu), Rhizoma Alismatis (ze xie), Ramulus Cinnamomi (gui zhi)
Uses For:

Clinical Applications: Fluid retention marked by headache, fever, thirst with vomiting after drinking water; disturbance in urination; edema, diarrhea, fluid-retention syndrome, dizziness, and a feeling of palpitation in the lower abdomen. Acute gastroenteritis, cyclic vomiting, pseudo cholera, skin eruptions or hives due to cold, initial stage of acute nephritis, edema of scrotum, and retention of urine belonging to the syndrome of fluid retention.

Therapeutic Actions: Strengthens Urinary Bladder function, promotes urination, helps drain and dry dampness, promotes the transforming functions of Qi.


適用於 : 温阳化气,利湿行水。用于膀胱化气不利,水湿内聚引起的小便不利,水肿腹胀,呕逆泄泻,渴不思饮。

Additional information


1 Bottle, 1 Dozen (12 Bottles)


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